Dr. Ainslie Waldron

News Coverage

Ainslie Waldron: an Author to Know!

Creating a More Successful Business

Creating a More Successful Business

- AM Northwest
Ainslie Waldron, one of the world's smartest women and author of The Ultimate Secret for Business, joined us to let us in on some easy ways to improve your business and your bottom line.
For more information, visit Ainslie's website.

NSBA: Small Firms Cautiously Optimistic About 2010

Women Gathering for Conection and Personal Enrichment

Women Gathering for Conection and Personal Enrichment

- Salon Forum
"The Ultimate Secret For Business"
with Ainslie Waldron, MBA
99 per cent of businesses aren't living up to their full potential. Is yours? Ainslie Waldron, MBA, knows that any company can reach its maximum potential in six months or less if management will take ten actions that 99 per cent of business leaders never do.
We'll learn these success secrets from a...

Recession is fertile ground for a major turnaround in 2010

Recession is fertile ground for a major turnaround in 2010

- Central Valley Business Times
Small business will lead it, says Ainslie Waldron 'They'll be the ones that will pull us out of this gloomy economy' Small businesses will dig America out of the Great Recession thanks to four trends now developing, says small business consultant Ainslie Waldron.
"There are a few trends that they can start and adapt ... and they'll be the ones that will pull us out of this gloomy economy even more so than these corporate handouts and bailouts and economic stimulus packages," says...

Major Turnaround Predicted for US Small Business in 2010

Major Turnaround Predicted for US Small Business in 2010

- Yahoo! News
Australia Mensa Leader Predicts Good Times for Small Biz: 4 Lean-Economy Reasons
Portland, OR & Brisbane, Australia January 11, 2010 -- Australia's leading business thinker brings a new message to U.S. small business on her January book tour: the new Lean Economy is fertile ground for A Major Turnaround in 2010.
Small business drives the U.S. economy and Ainslie Waldron mba says four trends will launch the next success cycle in 2010 with smart companies leading the...

Try These Tips to Recession-Tune Your Business for Immediate Profits

- Forbes.com
- Mensa Leader Ainslie Waldron Says Most Companies Missing Out

PORTLAND, Ore., March 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Recession Tuning a business isn't slashing expenses, freezing hiring and ravaging your marketing budget; in fact these actions can doom your company unless you add a positive balancing element to each. Australia's leading business thinker offers three Tips to Recession Tune any business for immediate profits.

Cut the Fat but Feed the Muscle - Business leaders everywhere...